History of Safa and Marwa

Safa and Marwa are the two Holy Hills situated in Makkah.  The memories of sacred Safa and Marwa Hills belongs to Bibi Hajra and Prophet Ismail (A.S). Ibrahim (A.S) was commanded by Allah to leave His wife Bibi Hajra and son Hazrat Ismail (A.S) in the desert of Arab (presently Mecca) near Safa and Marwa. Ibrahim (A.s) is the Prophet of Allah and he must fulfil the orders of His Lord. So he left His wife and child in desert alone with a jug of water. When the jug of water ended infant Ismail (A.S) was crying for water than her mother complete seven rounds between the Safa and Marwa in seeking of water and at certain place from where She couldn’t able to see Her son, She ran fast. This act of Bibi Hajra is accepted by Allah and all he Pilgrims from that time and till the day of judgment are ordered to complete seven rounds between Safa and Marwa in the memory and sacrifice of Bibi Hajra. Even the portion where Bibi hajra ran between Safa and Marwa, Pilgrims are ordered to run. This act is called Sai. This was the reason which make two ordinary Hills the sacred and Holy places of Muslims.
Basically the order of Allah to Ibrahim (A.S) is the trier by Allah as Ibrahim was blessed with son at very old age and another reason behind this order that in future Ismail and Ibrahim (A.S) have to build the Holy Kaaba. This sacrifice is base foundation of Khana e Kaaba and ZamZam water
Let Al-Khair be your partner to witness these sacred places of Islam through which one can seek the blessing of Allah and the pay the tribute to the great sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim, Ismail (A.S) and Bibi Hajra. Al-Khair provides best services and peace of mind to the guests of Allah so they concentrate on their Ibadaat, Umrah and other holy duties.

Article by: www.al-khair.org

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