Good Deeds After Hajj: A Sign of Acceptance

One of the most important things that Hajj pilgrims are to be concerned with after performing Hajj is whether it has been accepted or not.

Performing Hajj is principally a great blessing in itself, but in order for this blessing to be complete, it is to be coupled with a far greater blessing, that is, acceptance on part of Almighty Allah. This is clearly apparent in the case of performing Hajj.
In fact, there are many ways to render the Muslim’s acts of obedience and the performance of Hajj acceptable.

First and most importantly, the Muslim should avoid being boastful by being able to perform Hajj for it is one of the duties that you owe to the Almighty.

Even the righteous predecessors, knowing that they would return to the Almighty, used to be very afraid that the good deeds they offered in this world might not be accepted.

After performing Hajj, Muslims should combine in their hearts both fear and hope. Experiencing only fear in this respect may lead them to despair of Allah’s mercy; while anticipating that Almighty Allah will accept their deeds and Hajj without experiencing any fear of the contrary, may lead you to be overconfident that you can escape Allah’s punishment.

Further, they should ask Allah for forgiveness at any moment. However earnest Hajj pilgrims may be in doing their best in offering acts of obedience, there will always be something missing, for no one is perfect.

Thus, the Merciful directs His worshipers to compensate for this inevitable shortcoming by always beseeching Him to forgive them after offering acts of worship. That is why He says after mentioning the rituals of Hajj ” Then depart from the place whence all the people depart and ask Allah for His Forgiveness. Truly, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.”  (Al-Baqarah 199).

Allah equally ordered our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to conclude his life; which was full of acts of worship and striving in His cause, with asking Him for forgiveness. This is referred to in the following verse:   “So glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask His Forgiveness. Verily, He is the One Who accepts the repentance and Who forgives.”  (An-Nasr 3).

After performing Hajj, Muslims should offer as many good deeds as they can. Good deeds are like a tree that needs regular watering and care so that it bears fruits. It is a sign of their obedience to do so in the hope that they will be accepted by the Almighty.

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