Importance of Mina In Hajj

Importance of Mina In Hajj

This question also relates to how to perform Hajj. As every Muslim who has a desire and ability to perform the hajj should know how to perform hajj, consequently must know the importance of staying at Mina.

This is really an important thing to know why Mina has got importance regarding performing the Hajj and what Hajjis (Pilgrims) do at Mina while performing Hajj. Here we have tried to sum up the story behind this and the covered some actual reality Muslims face in Mina from around the world.

Mina is the best-known place for the role it plays during the annual Hajj pilgrimage. More than a Hundred Thousand air-conditioned and Teflon-coated tents are provided for accommodation to Hujjaj (Pilgrims). The tents are constructed to withstand temperatures of up to 700 degrees Celsius. In the valley of Mina, there is a Jamarat Bridge, where Muslims perform the ritual of stoning the Devil i.e. Shaitan (Iblees).

The story behind stoning the Devil go backs to Prophet Ibrahim A.S when He A.S was going to slaughter his son Hazrat Ismail A.S to fulfill the order of Allah, the Iblees came in his way to make him convince not to scarify his son. However, Hazrat Ibrahim A.S didn’t bother the Devil and stoned him until the Iblees ran away.

Today Muslims of entire world practice the same in Mina, following the Prophet Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. He (A.S) tried to slaughter his son but Allah replace Ismail A.S neck with a sheep, Muslim also slaughter animals like sheep or goat to memorize His A.S scarifying in the way of Allah at the place of Mina, as it is one of the most important parts of the Hajj.

Usually, Muslims spends their first night in the Valley of Mina during the Hajj days. This ritual occurs from the eighth to the twelfth day of the Hajj i.e. Muslim must stay at least two days in Mina. However, at Mina, men and women are not allowed to sleep together.

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