Importance of Umrah


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Umrah is a holiest passage of Muslims across to the Makkah. Literally, Umrah means to visit the place which is densely populated. As of the Hajj, the Umrah has immense value and rewards in Islam. For the content of pilgrims, there are many travel agencies who are giving the Umrah packages to them, to take their way ahead to the Makkah, more easily.
The Umrah is placed at a level of spiritual purity for the Muslims. It is neither directly or imperatively, an obligation for the Muslims, but it is a Sunnat-e-muwaqada for them. A holy act which their beloved Prophet, Muhammad PBUH, carried twice in His lifetime. It apparently resembles to the Hajj, which is because, every Hajj is accompanied by a prior Umrah. But it, unlike Hajj, may be performed anytime during the year.
The bounties of the Umrah are enormous, which may easily be traced in the Quran and of course, from the Traditions of the Holy Prophet PBUH. There are many virtues for the ones who perform Hajj or Umrah correctly. It is one of the best deeds as reported by Hazrat Abu Hurairah: the Prophet PBUH was asked about good deeds. He PBUH said, struggle to the utmost which is Jehad. He inquires again that what is next? He PBUH replied: the accepted Hajj and Umrah.
The Prophet PBUH said that, “The accepted hajj has no other reward, except Paradise.” [Bukhari] #1773 The Umrah is known to be an expiation of one’s sins. Hazrat Abu Hurairah, a close companion of the Prophet PBUH, reported a saying of the Prophet PBUH: “An Umrah is expiation for the sins committed between it and the next, and hajj, which is accepted will receive no other reward than Paradise.” [Muslim]. He further reported that Holy Prophet PBUH says that: “Whoever performs hajj/ Umrah to this House (Ka’aba) and does not approach his wife for sexual relations nor commits sins (while performing hajj, Umrah), he will come out as sinless as a newly-born child.” [Bukhari]
According to the saying of Ayesha, the mother of the loyal Muslims: I asked the Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him)) “Messenger of Allah is there jihad for women” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “Yes, there is jihad upon them, there is no fighting involved in it, Hajj and Umrah.” [Ibn Majah] #3013.
The rituals and blessings of the Umrah are endless for the Muslims. It is, the act which purifies the spirit, the soul of the Muslim. The immense credit of the Umrah, drag the Muslims from the corners of the globe to the Harram. The Umrah packages as offered by the diverse travel firms, are the easiest way today to reach the land of rewards.

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