Spiritual Preparation Before Umrah

Journeys are usually divided into two types; one that is undertaken to earn means of support, whereas the other is taken for sightseeing and pleasure. However, Umrah on the other hand is a completely different journey than these two because it is solely undertaken to please Almighty Allah. Muslim men and women have been performing this holy ritual for more than 1400 years now, as it is one of the most favourite deeds of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala and his last Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that every Muslim must perform this ritual correctly and sincerely.
A preparation before this journey therefore is considered of extreme importance. It means that not only a pilgrim has to do physical and financial preparation but they also have to do spiritual preparation too. The spiritual preparation is necessary because the Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said that, “The rewards (of deeds) are according to the intention, and everybody will get the reward for what he has intended.” The spiritual preparation will make your journey more easy. Below are few points that will greatly help your in spiritual preparation before Umrah:
Revive your creed/ Aqeedha by purifying it from all the Shirk, no matter whether it’s major or minor because no deed is acceptable to Al mighty Allah without this purification: “If you associate (with Allah), your deeds will be ruined and verily you will be among the losers.” [Soorah (39): 65]
– Devote your Umrah sincerely and purely to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala as the reward and acceptance of your Umrah mainly depends on your piety and intention.
– To purify the creed gain thorough knowledge of Umrah rites because it is knowledge that enables people to differentiate between right and wrong. You can gain this knowledge by various means such as books, Islamic lecture videos or online posts. These means will precisely tell you about the rituals of Umrah and also demonstrate how to perform this pilgrimage. You can also take help from a reputable religious scholar or Islamic centre.
– Purification also means that the funds a pilgrim is looking to use for Umrah should be earned from Halal means because “Allah is pure and He does not accept but pure only.” [Saheeh Muslim]. Allah also says that “Take a provision (with you) for the journey, but the best provision is At-Taqwa (piety). So fear Me, O men of understanding!”
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