Rajab: An ideal time to gear-up for Ramadan

Rajab: An ideal time to gear-up for Ramadan

As the blessed month of Ramadan is on us, many of us are aiming to spend this Ramadan with a great spiritual effort and sincerity. To turn that intention into reality the Month of Rajab is an ideal time to prepare for the month of Ramadan.
Starting to gear ourselves up from now (in the month of Rajab), when the month of Ramadan dawns upon us we will be able to benefit completely. So in this manner the holy month of Rajab is our first step towards the blessed month of Ramadan.
Allah’s Messenger pbuh said, Rajab is the month of Allah, Shaaban is my month and Ramadan is the month of my followers (i.e. Muslim)
Scholars say: Rajab is the Allah’s month of repentance (istighfar), Shaaban is the month of sending peace and mercy (salawat/durood shareef ) upon the Prophet, and Ramadan is the month of Qur’an.
The month of Rajab is one of the four sacred months mentioned in the Quran,
Rajab is a month in which worship is rewarded magnificently – especially fasting and seeking repentance (Istighfar). Also, making Dua during the first eve of Rajab is highly recommended. In these blessed days of Rajab,
With this in mind, if we don’t want to waste our valuable time of Ramadan and want to get most out of Ramadan then here are some ways to prepare ourselves for Ramadan.
We should increase our Ibaad’ah in this month of Rajab. Then by the time we get into gear, blessed days of Ramadan will approach. This is why the Prophet would recite the following Du‘a after the month of Rajab would commence
O Allah! Bless us in the months of Rajab and Shaaban, and make us reach Ramadan (by granting us life until then) It is mentioned on the authority of Anas Bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) that when the Holy Prophet (saw) sighted the moon of Rajab, he used to pray to Allah in the following words:
‘Allahuma Barik lana fi Rajaba wa Sha’bana wa ballighna Ramadhan’
“O Allah, make the months of Rajab and Sha’ban blessed for us, and let us reach the month of Ramadan (i.e. prolong our life up to Ramadan, so that we may benefit from its merits and blessings).”
One of the greatest virtue of the holy month is 27th night of Rajab, the Prophet, peace and mercy be upon him, was taken on the Isra wa Mi’raj (The Night Journey and Ascension to the Heavens).
As most of us aware that there was a great and glorious night, in which the Prophet, peace and mercy be upon him, met his Lord and was given the commandment to perform the 5 daily prayers.
To get most out of this holy month we can improve our relationship with the Qurān by increasing the amount we read and seeking to acting upon it.
Being consistent in reading our Adhkār in the morning and evening also a chance of seeking repentance (Istighfar).
Fasting whatever days you are able to, especially Monday and Thursday and the 13th, 14th and 15th days of this month are highly recommended.
Giving charity and doing what you can to help those in need or treating them kindly is a way to put our great efforts in this month.
Worshipping Allah in these nights, especially in the last portion of the night.  Being so particular in night prayers so as to enter into those who Allah praises in the Qur’ān: Those who spend their wealth (in charity) and seek forgiveness in the last portion of the night.
Ask Allah to give us a great portion of the gifts bestowed in this month and that He makes us among those who attain acceptance and felicity in this life and the next.

O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Shaaban, allow us to reach Ramadan and assist us in fasting and praying in the night.(Ameen).

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Source: Saudi Gazette