Young Age Is The Best Time To Perform Hajj

The general notion among masses is that youth is an age which should be spent in the pursuit of worldly achievement. However, Young Age Is The Best Time To Perform Hajj. This is the reason why in youth most of the people give little importance to religion and spend maximum time enduring to make their mark and achieve their worldly objectives. A contrasting behavior is seen when one grows old.

Young Age Is The Best Time To Perform Hajj

When youth passes away, people start realizing the importance of this world and the pursuits they had made in their prime time. They come to the conclusion that all these worldly objectives are transient and temporary and the achievement of one leads to another triggering an endless chain. Thus, the end of their life haunts them and they turn towards religion to find peace and solace.

In Islam, there is a great reward for whatever good a person does in his or her youth. Pertaining to the different religious rituals and obligations that a Muslim can undertake in youth, Hajj is perhaps the important one. People usually have the objective of performing Hajj set for their later age without realizing the fact that it gives a greater exponential reward if undertaken in the prime age of youth. The lines below discuss why Muslims should consider performing Hajj while they are young and energetic.

Life Is Short:

As humans, it is in our nature that we forget the transient nature of this life and plan for a long life. In this planning of long life, we tend to keep the worldly things at the high priority level and keep religious rituals for the end part. Most of the Muslims place Hajj at the end of their life plan with the perception that they will do Hajj when they have free time. What Muslims don’t realize is the fact that life is too short and one cannot guarantee if he or she will live to see the next day. Even those who have a long life still find it too short at the end. Regarding this Quran says:

You stayed not but a little - if only you had known“You stayed not but little – if only you had known.” (23:114)

To a logical mind, it might seem irrational when it knows that there is no guarantee of life and still it keeps the prestigious Hajj for the end days. Therefore, it is imperative that Muslims realize that life is short and hence as soon as one finds time in youth, he or she must offer Hajj and gain blessings and reward that will surely help in the remaining days of life and in the Hereafter as well.

Life Does Not Go As Planned:

For the sake of argument if one assumes that one has a certain specific duration of life and out of this assertion he or she set a particular time for performing Hajj, even then there is the fatal flaw that life does not go as planned. There are times when things go according to the plan, however, the times when it does not follow the plan are far greater. Therefore, the logical solution to this problem is to perform as soon as one finds the time. Regarding this Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in His hadith:

“Expedite the performance of Hajj. For nobody knows what may obstruct one.” (Ibn Majah)

The hadith clearly shows the unreliability of planning in a life that is as dynamic as anything can get. In such a life postponing Hajj for the later years is simply an act of ignorance especially when one has the means. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in another hadith:

“Any of my slaves who are healthy and are of the means for five years, and did not visit my house, he is mahroom.” (Ibn hibban and Musnad Abu Ya’laa)

Performing Hajj requires time, therefore, regardless of your means if you don’t have time available in your plan for later age then what would be your excuse for not performing Hajj? Therefore, one must realize the unreliability of planning and should opt for performing Hajj as soon as one is able in the youth.


The question to ask is that whether a person should purify him or herself from sins at the earliest or keep the purification for a later time, which may or may not be available? The answer to this is obvious that a person should opt for purification from sins at the earliest without postponing it on the uncertain future. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith:

“One who comes to this House for Hajj and avoids all lewdness and sins, he returns as he was on the day his mother gave birth to him.” (Bukhari and Muslim)

The hadith makes it clear that going to Hajj with pure intention and doing everything right results in purification from sins. Therefore, to every rational mind performing Hajj at the earliest, i.e. youth is the best time to get purified and then spend the rest of life on the path of righteousness.

Supplication Answered:

Youth is the age of desires and ambitions, therefore, it is quite natural that in this age one has the most needs and wants and one supplicates for most of them. What if one found a way in which all the supplications would be answered? The best way of getting the prayers and supplications answered is to perform Hajj as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said in a hadith:

“The warrior in the path of Allah, the one performing Hajj and the one performing Umrah are the delegations of Allah. If they call on Allah they are answered and if they ask Him for anything it is given to them.” (Ibn Maajah)

Thus, performing Hajj is the best way to get your needs and wants to fulfill, hence the more reason for it to be performed in youth.

Alleviation of Poverty:

Another major reason why people do not opt for going to Hajj is that they think that they don’t have enough savings and whatever little they have if they spend it on Hajj, it might lead to tough days of poverty. Thus, they wait for the old age when they have enough finances to go to Hajj. For such people the simple answer is available in the following hadith where Prophet (PBUH) said:

“Keep on doing Hajj and Umrah, because they both eliminate poverty and sins just like a furnace eliminates the dirty impurities of iron, gold, and silver. And an accepted Hajj has no reward less than paradise.” (Tirmidhi)

Therefore, those who think that performing Hajj will make holes in their pocket should reconsider their perception on the bases of this hadith and try performing Hajj at the earliest time possible.


In a nutshell, one needs to offer Allah Almighty the best in everything, whether it is the best intentions in the prayer, the best things in charity or the best attitude in obedience. Similarly, when it comes to offering Hajj, which is the most prestigious form of worship, it should also be performed in the age of youth when one has the best energy and spirit.

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Haj made me stronger in belief

Haj made me stronger in belief, this is a wonderful story of a conservative Christian whom Allah guided to the path of truthmaking him one of the most prominent Islamic preachers in the African continent. The Chad-based Ali Ramadaan Naajeeli, the Sultan of Qindi, narrates how much he hated Muslims but embraced Islam when studied it:

I WAS lost and confused until I became Muslim in 1977 at the hands of a Nigerian sheikh, a dayee. His sustained preaching among us drew us to learn and understand Islam.

The Salafi scholar proved beyond doubt that Islam was not like others would like to make out of it. He told us how the mushrikeen (idolaters) offered power and wealth to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but he refused it for the sake of his dawah. And he told us how he had striven against the mushrikeen for many years and had bore insults and torment until his divine mission succeeded and spread throughout the world. His months of dawah convinced us of Islam’s truthfulness, and we entered the faith on the basis of conviction. We became Muslims willingly, embracing a religion in which we could worship on God in all sincerity, worshipping Him alone.

I became Muslim with the others, among whom was my father, the Sultan of the region of Mahim Tooki Qindi in Nigeria. After I embraced Islam, I went with the sheikh and remained in his service for 6 years, then I graduated to become a dayee, after studying Islam. At the end of the training period, he said to me: “Work with me in Nigeria.”

I became the sultan after my father passed away, after calling people in the region to Islam for two years. This led to 4,722 people from the Saraqulai tribe becoming Muslim, including 14 Christian priests. From this time the confrontation with the Christian missionaries in the south of Chad began. They tried to destroy the Islamic dawah and make those who had become Muslim Christian, using various methods. They regarded the Islamic dawah there as a rival, which threatened to stem the Christian tide. They tried to tempt me with money and by offering me a house and a farm so that I would become Christian. They wanted me to work for Christianity. This is what made the Chadian government appoint me as a member of the Higher Committee on Islamic Affairs in the Republic of Chad. But despite all these offers, I rejected what the Christian missionaries offered me. So they started to provoke the animists against the Muslims in the south, but their efforts ended in failure.

Later, the Islamic Dawah organization permitted me to perform Haj. When I visited Makkah and saw the Muslims there — white and black, with no differences between them; all of them wearing the same clothes and equal in status, I could not stop myself from weeping. I had no one from my family with me, yet I felt that all the people around me were my family and my brothers. This increased my determination to strive more seriously in the field of dawah, to guide other people to this great religion and not to keep this spiritual joy to myself, and to save the rest of my brothers from doom and from the Fire of Hell. I decided to start my dawah in my own country, Chad.

After I came back from Haj(Haj made me stronger in belief), I decided to open Islamic centers, to construct more mosques and schools. Praise be to Allah, I was able to establish 12 mosques and a school. We dug up 12 wells for the people in the Qindi region. I also worked to establish a foundation for the training of converts in dawah. My only aim now was to spread the message of Islam; its teachings, morals, and manners; and to focus on teaching Arabic. We established study circles to teach Qur’an and Sunnah, praise be to Allah.

Besides, there are many obstacles facing the dawah in the south of Chad. The main obstacles are material, for the people there are poor and do not have their daily food. The region also suffers from a lack of roads and there are no means of transportation to go into the primitive animizt areas in order to make dawah in the villages where most of the people are Christians. We are also suffering from a lack of trained dayees.

Many of the Muslims there know little about Islam, which is most unfortunate. In contrast, the efforts of the Christian missionaries are supported by material support. The missionary efforts remain the greatest obstacle we face in this region. When the Pope from the Vatican visited the region of Qinda at the end of his African tour, he met with the missionaries there and made great plans to Christianize the region. Hence they supplied many missionaries from a number of European countries and they supplied the money they needed.

They also announced that they would build a number of churches in the region. One of the Italian missionaries told me that this region would be Christian soon. Each month they organize local festivals where they offer food, drink, and assistance to the animists and invite them to become Christian. They also visit orphanages and refugees, which they support financially, in order to Christianize the children who stay there. They are very devious: They were working in the name of the Red Cross there when it was discovered that they have been sterilizing women by giving them medication with the result that they will never again conceive. This is one of their means of limiting the number of Muslims and putting an end to Islam in Chad.

I have discovered the fragrance of Islam and there is no doubt that it is the religion of equality and justice. It makes no distinction between rich and poor, black and white except in terms of taqwa. Everyone turns to Allah and everyone is a slave of Allah.

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