Umrah in Winter

The temperature remains high for most of the months in Saudi Arabia so when pilgrims visit Makkah and Madinah to perform Umrah during December they often get surprised. Especially, if it’s their first visit because they have this idea that it will be hot in Saudi Arabia. To an extent this notion is true because it gets slightly hot when pilgrims prepares for Zuhar salaat (namaaz) in December. However, during Fajr and Isha salaats the temperature gets really low so Umrah pilgrims have to cover themselves with thick and warm ihrams. Otherwise, it is feared that they will catch cold and get sick.No one likes to get sick during such a trip therefore considering these mix weather conditions it is best for Umrah pilgrims is to pack both thin and thick clothes. Thus, men should pack a pair of 100 percent cotton ihram and two towel sheet ihrams in order to keep their body warm during cold. Similarly, women should bring along terry towel ihram and cotton ihrams with them. Preferably it would be better for women to wear black or white long abayas, which do not have any embellishments on them. In this way they will be able to cover their entire body, including hands, with burqa.
Those, who do not prefer to wear sweater inside ihram, can always go with a bow style coat for winter Umrah as it is thick enough to keep them warm. Besides carrying different ihrams pilgrims must also take enough clothes with them that their stay in Saudi Arabia remains comfortable. This does not mean that one should overburden themselves by packing unnecessary clothes. Pilgrims should also take two or three pairs of slippers so they could use them during ihram. Since, they have to do lot of walking during the trip so carrying a pair of comfortable sandals or shoes is not a bad idea.
The weather gets really cold in Madinah during winters so pilgrims can bring thick sheets bedding and inflatable pillows too with them. Taking necessary vaccines is equally important so pilgrims must take all the required vaccines before leaving for Umrah. The Saudi Government requires Umrah pilgrims to take following vaccines polio, hepatitis B, flu, yellow fever and meningitis so they would not face any problem during or after the journey.
British Hajj Travel Ltd hopes that aforementioned information will prove useful for all the fortunate Muslims, who get the chance to visit Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’Ala’s home.
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