What Umrah Teaches Us Exactly

You may have heard from many Muslim brothers and sisters that Umrah is an amazing experience which is hard describe in words and it has changed their lives forever. But, one merely realizes this fact until he/she undertakes the holy journey. For instance, many of us cannot even imagine spending a single day without their mobile phones. It’s literally impossible for them to stay out of touch with their colleagues, friends or family members. However, when they reach Makkah to perform Umrah, there is just one connection which they feel to develop and that is with Allah. Pilgrims put everything behind their back and just fully devote themselves to ibadat, so they could seek Allah Subhan Wa Ta’ala’s bliss.



Similarly in everyday life some of us cannot think about walking without wearing their Caterpillar, Nike or Adidas shoes. But when they have to walk in simple slippers or even barefoot during the Tawafa of Khana Kaaba and Saee none of them feels any pain or discomfort. Despite the fact that they have to perform three Tawafs and each Tawaf is about 2 kilometres walk or more if there is a huge crowd of pilgrims inside Haram Sharif. Whereas, during Saee pilgrims have to cover approximately 3.5 kilometres distance on foot.
Umrah also teaches us how to lead a simple life, as pilgrims are required to wear plain white two piece unstitched cloths during the journey. They also get to lean how to sacrifice things that are precious to us like money, hair and etc. as pilgrims get to cut their long hairs in order to perform halq or taqsir that is one of the rituals of Umrah. The pilgrimage also makes you respect those, who have experienced things which you have never gone through.
It also tells us how not to react when things are not going our way and why we should believe in giving to others. The great journey also teaches us how to bear pain and keep smiling at the same time. Above all, it teaches us that eveb those who have spent thousands of pounds or dollars for a VIP Umrah package are same in the eyes of Allah as the ones sleeping under the open sky on the mountains of Makkah.
In brief, Umrah is a process that will make you understand human needs, significance of being humane and feeling of not being a special person. You too can attain this supreme level, if you manage to perform Umrah with true honesty.

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