Shaving the Head or Trimming the Hair (Integral)

After Muzdalifah and MinaMina men shaving the head or trimming

This may be done before throwing the pebbles at Jamratul-^Aqabah. The time for shaving the head or trimming the hair starts by (after) the middle of the ^Id eve.

However, it is sunnah to shave or cut on the day of the ^Id. It is better to do it after sunrise and before performing the integral of tawaf and sa^y.

Before that time, it is prohibited for those performing Hajj to remove even one hair from their bodies. (See Prohibitions.) The least of the obligation of shaving the head or trimming the hair is to shave or trim three hairs from the head. It is sunnah for the bald man to run the razor over his head.

For the man, shaving the whole head is better than just cutting the hair. This is known from the hadith of the Prophet related by al-Bukhari.

When the Prophet made du^a’ that Allah forgive those who shave their heads in the Hajj, some people asked, “What about those who just trim their hair?” The Prophet again made du^a’ for those who shave their heads. Twice again they asked, “What about those who trim their hair?” Then the Prophet made du^a’ for both those who shave and those who trim their hair.

The woman does not shave her head, rather she trims her hair. It is sunnah that she cuts from all sides of her head.


Common Errors in Hajj and Umrah

Common Errors in Hajj and Umrah

First: Errors Related to Ihram:

First common errors Some pilgrims bypass the designated Station of ihram on their route without either being in Ihram or entering into ihram there, proceeding until they reach Jeddah or some other place within the precincts of the Stations, at which they enter into ihram. This is against the command of Allah’s Messenger ( Sallallahu `Alayhi Wa Sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention )), which stipulates that every pilgrim should enter into ihram at the Station of ihram which lies on his route.

If this happens to someone, he must either go back to the Station of Ihram lying on his route and there enter into ihram, or he must make expiation by sacrificing a sheep in Makkah and feeding all its meat to the poor.

This applies to all pilgrims regardless of whether one passes the Station of ihram by air, by sea or by land.

If one did not pass through one of the five designated Station of ihram he should enter into ihram at a point which is nearest to the Station of ihram on his route.

Second: Errors Related to Tawaf:

1. Starting the tawaf at some point other than the site of the Black Stone, while it is obligatory to begin tawaf from the Black Stone.

2. Doing one’s tawaf inside the Hijr of Isma’il, which means going around a portion of the K’abah rather than the whole of it since the Hijr of Isma’il is a part of the K’abah which would then be left out of tawaf. Such a tawaf is invalid.

3. Doing ramal (i.e., taking quick short steps) during all seven circuits while ramal is to be done only during the first three of the Tawaf of arrival (tawaf al-qudum).

4. Struggling vehemently to kiss the Black Stone in this process and hitting or pushing people. Such acts, which are injurious to Muslims, are not permissible.

It should be noted that the tawaf remains perfectly valid without kissing the Black Stone. If one does not or cannot kiss the Black Stone, it is sufficient simply to point to it, saying “Allahu akbar” when one comes parallel to it, although one may be at a distance from it.

5. Wiping one’s hand over the Black Stone, seeking “blessings” (barakah) thereby is an innovation (bid’a) with no basis in the Shari’ah of Islam. The Sunnah is to touch it or kiss it only when it can be done easily.

6. Touching the Four Corners of K’abah or its walls, and wiping one’s hands against them. The Prophet (peace be on him) did not touch any part of K’abah except the Black Stone and the Yemeni Corner.

7. Saying specific formulas of supplications reserved for each circuit. The Prophet ( Sallallahu `Alayhi Wa Sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention )) did not specify any supplications except to say “Allahu akbar” when he reached the Black Stone and, at the end of each circuit between the Yamani Corner and the Black Stone, he said;

“Rabbana, Latina’ fid-Duniya hasanat wa fil-akhirati hasana wa qina adhaban-nar.”

(Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Fire).

8. Raising one’s voice above the voices of others: whether in following or leading the tawaf as it causes confusion among the worshippers.

9. Struggling to pray at the Station of Ibrahim. This is contrary to the Sunnah besides being injurious to other worshipers. It is sufficient to pray the two rakyats of tawaf after completing one’s tawaf anywhere within the Sacred Mosque.

Third: Errors Related to Sa’y:

1. When climbing upon Safa and Marwah, some pilgrims face the K’abah and gesticulate toward it with their hands while saying “Allahu Akbar” as if they were saying takbir for salat. This gesticulating is an error because the Prophet (peace be on him) raised him palms only for supplication. Here you may glorify and magnify Allah the Most High, supplicating Him in any words you wish while facing the direction of the K’abah. It is preferable to recite the dhikr which the Prophet (peace be on him) recited at Safa and Marwah.

2. Accelerating one’s pace throughout the entire distance between the two hills. The Sunnah is to accelerate one’s pace only between the two green posts while walking at a normal pace the remainder of the way.

Fourth: Errors Related to ‘Arafat:

1. Some pilgrims camp outside the boundaries of ‘Arafat and remain there until the sun has set; then they depart for Muzdalifah without standing at ‘Arafat properly. This is a serious error which invalidates their hajj since standing in Arafat is the essence of Hajj, and it is obligatory to be within its boundaries and not outside them, if it is not easy to do that, they may enter before sunset and remain there until sunset. It is quite acceptable to stand in Arafat during the night of sacrifice in particular.

2. Departing from ‘Arafat before the sun has set is not permissible, because the messenger of Allah (peace be on him) stayed at ‘Arafat’ until the sun had set completely.

3. Struggling through crowds in order to climb Mount ‘Arafat is not permissible, because it causes much harm and injury to others. The entire Plain of ‘Arafat is a place of standing and neither climbing Mount ‘Arafat nor making salah there has been recommended.

4. Making supplications facing Mount ‘Arafat’ is incorrect because the Sunnah is to face qiblah while making supplication.

5. Making heaps of earth or pebbles: during the day of ‘Arafat’ at particular places, by some people, has no base in the Shariah of Allah.

Fifth: Errors related to Muzdalifah:

1. Some pilgrims start collecting pebbles to throw at the Stone Pillars in Mina as soon as they arrive in Muzdalifah prior to praying the Magrib and Isha prayers. This is not collected at Muzdalifah.

The correct position is that the pebbles can be collected anywhere within the boundaries of al_Haram (the territory or precincts of Makkah). It is known that the Prophet ( Sallallahu `Alayhi Wa Sallam ( may Allaah exalt his mention )) did not ask that the pebbles for Jamratul-Aqabah be picked up for him from Muzdalifah. They were picked up for him, in the morning, after leaving Muzdalifah and on entering Mina. The rest of the pebbles were picked up, for him, from Mina, Too.

2. Some pilgrims wash the pebbles, but this is not recommended.

Sixth: Error Related to Throwing the Pebbles:

Some pilgrims are under the impression that when they are throwing pebbles at the Stone Pillars, they are actually throwing them at shayateen (devils); hence they hurl them with rage and force. However, the throwing of the pebbles has been merely
1. Prescribed as a means of remembering Allah the Most High.

2. Some people throw big stones, shoes or pieces of wood. This is an excess in matters of religion which the Prophet (peace be on him) prohibited, what is allowed is to throw pebbles the size of good beans.

3. Crowding and fighting with others at the Pillars while throwing the pebbles is not permissible. What is prescribed is to be gentle and to throw the pebbles without hurting anyone as much as possible.

4. Throwing all the pebbles at one time is an error. Scholars have said that this would be counted as only one throw. The Shari’ah prescribes throwing the pebbles one by one, saying “Allahu akbar” at each separate throw.

5. Appointing a proxy to throw the pebbles, simply due to fear of the crowds or of hardship, while one is capable of doing it himself. Only sick or weak individuals are permitted to have a proxy for this act.

Seventh: Errors Related to the Farewell Tawaf (Tawaf al-Wada):

1. On the day of their departure, some pilgrims go to Makkah to perform their Farewell Tawaf before throwing the pebbles at the Pillars. Then they return to Mina to throw the pebbles and depart from Mina for their respective countries. Thus their final rite becomes that of throwing the pebbles at the Pillars and not of the tawaf of K’abah. This is an error as the Prophet (peace be on him) said, “No one should depart without his last visit being to the House (K’abah).”

Accordingly, the Farewell Tawaf must take place after one has completed all the rites of Hajj (and before starting his journey for home). After this tawaf, one should not stay in Makkah except during the time it takes to prepare to depart.

2. After finishing the Farewell Tawaf, some people walk backward, facing the K’abah, as they exit from the Sacred Mosque, under the impression that this is a veneration of the K’abah. This act is an innovation (bid’a) in the religion and is without any basis.

3. After finishing the Farewell Tawaf, some pilgrims halt at the door of the Sacred Mosque to make supplications. This is also an innovation with no basis in the Shari’ah of Islam.

Eight: Errors Related to the visit of the Prophet’s Mosque:

1. Touching and wiping one’s hands on the walls and iron grilles, tying threads to the gratings, and other acts of this sort while visiting the grave of the Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) in order to receive a blessing (barakah) are an innovation (bid’a). Blessing comes from following what Allah and His Messenger (peace be on him) have prescribed, and not from following innovations.

2. Going to the caves of Mount Uhud or to the caves of Hira or Thaur near Makkah and hanging pieces of cloth or making supplications there have not been prescribed by Allah. All these are unnecessary hardships, innovations in the religion, and are without any basis in the Shari’ah.

3. Likewise, visiting certain sites under the impression that these constitute “relics” of the Prophet (peace be on him), as for example the place where his camel sat, the Well of ‘Uthman or the Well of the Ring, and gathering soil from these places to obtain “blessings”, are all innovations.

4. Calling upon the dead while visiting the graves at the Baqi Cemetery or the graves of the martyrs of Uhud, and throwing coins in order to seek the blessings of the place or of the people buried there, is a grievous error. Indeed, it is shirk (ascribing partners to Allah the Highest), as has been pointed out by scholars. It is clear from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (peace be on him) that all forms of worship are for Allah alone. It is not permissible to call upon or to offer sacrifice, give vow or any other form of ibadah (worship) except for Allah alone. Allah the Highest, says:

“And they have commanded nothing except to worship Allah (only), purifying the religion for Him alone.” [Quran 98:5]

And He also says:

Verily, the places of worship are for Allah (alone), so do not call on anyone else apart from Allah.” [Quran 72:18]

We ask Allah, the Highest, to improve the condition of the Muslims and to give them an understanding of the religion, and to turn all of us away from errors and deviations Indeed. He is the Hearing, the Responding.

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Supplications Of Hajj

Supplications Of Hajj

Supplications Of Hajj

“O Our Lord, grant us best in this life and the best in the next life– and protect us from the punishment of the fire.” Supplications of hajj to be said  at Al- Safa and Al- Marwa”

The Talbiyah: When we are in a state of Ihram all along the pilgrimage
Labbaïkal-lâhumma labbaïk, labbaïka lâ sharîka laka labbaïk,
innal-hamda, wan-ni’imata, laka wal-mulk, lâ sharîka lak.
Here I am, My lord, Here I am, You have no partner, Here I am.
Praise, Grace and the kingdom is for you, You have no partner.
The supplication of hajj to be recited between the Yemeni corner and the black stone
( at the Ka’abah) .
Rabbanâ âtinâ fid-dunyâ hassanatan, wa fil-âkhirati hassanatan, wa qinâ adhâban-nâr.

“innas-safâ wal-marwata min sha’âiril-lâh ”

” Indeed As- Safa and Al – Marwa are from the places of worship of Allah ”

” Abda’u bimâ bada’al-lâhu bih .” “I begin with what Allah begin with”

“Allâhu Akbar, allâhu Akbar, allâhu Akbar.”

“Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest.”

“Lâ ilâha ilal-lâhu wahdahu lâ sharîka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu wa huwa alâ kulli shaï’in qadîr,

lâ ilâha illal-lâhu wahdahu andjaza wa’adah ,wa nassara abdah, wa hazamal-ahzâba wahdah.”

“None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, Without partner. To him belongs all sovereignty and praise and he is over all things

omnipotent. None has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone.

He fulfilled his promise, aided his servant and single-handedly defeated the allies.”

The day of Arafah

Lâ ilâha illal-lâhu wahdahu lâ sharîka lah, lahul-mulku wa lahul-hamdu, wa huwa alâ kulli shaï’in qadîr

None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, Without partner.

To him belongs all praise and sovereignty and he is over all things omnipotent.

When throwing each  pebble at the  Jamaraat

“Allâhu Akbar” – “Allah is the greatest ”

At the black stone

Bismillah wa Lâhu Akbar  –  In the name of  Allah, Allah is the greatest.

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How to Perform 'Umrah'


How to Perform ‘Umrah’

In Arabic, the word ‘Umrah is derived from I‘timaar which means a visit. However, ‘Umrah in Islamic terminology, means paying a visit to Ka’bah, performing Tawaaf (circumambulation) around it, walking between Safaa and Marwah seven times. A performer of ‘Umrah puts off his Ihraam by having his hair shaved or cut. ‘Umrah can be performed along with Hajj and in other days as well.

‘Umrah can be performed during anytime in the year, there is no fixed time for ‘Umrah.

a) Ihraam: which is assumed at the Meeqaat.

b) Tawaaf: around the ‘KABBA’.

c) Sa’y: walking between As-Safaa and Al-Marwah, which consists of seven circuits.

d) Tahal-lul: which means coming out of the state of Ihraam; becoming lawful what was previously prohibited during Ihraam.

During ‘Umrah, pilgrims do not go to Minaa, ‘Arafaat and Muzdalifah or throw pebbles on the Jamrahs (stone pillars representing devils) or offer animal sacrifice. These rites are only performed during Hajj.

1. When the one who wants to perform ‘Umrah arrives at the Meeqaat, it is recommended for him (both man and woman) to take a bath if convenient, including menstruating women and those experiencing postnatal bleeding. The man perfumes his head and beard but not his Ihraam garments. There is no harm in what remains of it after Ihraam. There is nothing wrong if it is not possible to take a bath at Meeqaat.

2. Men are to change into their clothing of Ihraam while the women only need to make their intention at that time in the clothing they are already wearing. There is no specific clothing designated for women, except that they are prohibited from wearing the Niqaab (face-veil) and gloves. Instead, they may cover their hands with the lower part of their khimaar (head covering), while using the upper part of their jilbaab (outer garment) or a separate piece of fabric to cover their faces by drawing it down, if there is need to do so.
As for men, they must assume their Ihraam at the Meeqaat by wearing two pieces of fabric called the Izaar and the Ridaa’. The Ridaa’ covers the top half of the body, while the Izaar covers the lower half. No other clothing is allowed to be worn in addition to these – no underwear, no pants, no shirt, no turban, no hat, etc. are to be worn.

Then the pilgrim makes the intention at the Meeqaat to begin the rites of ‘Umrah by entering the state of Ihraam. The intention must be made in the heart, while the statement made afterwards is: “Labayka ‘Umrah” or “Allahumma labbayka ‘Umrah”. This statement begins the rites of `Umrah. So the first pillar of `Umrah is the Ihraam. The intention is made in the heart, while the tongue recites the opening Talbiyyah. And if you wish, when uttering Talbiyyah, you may state a condition to Allah fearing that which may prevent you from completion of the ‘Umrah whether illness or fear – saying “in habasanee haabes fa mahillee haithu habastanee” (I come out of the state of Ihraam from the place You prevent me from continuing). So if you do that and are then prevented or become ill – then you may come out of Ihraam. Then repeat the Talbiyyah: “labbayk Allahumma labbayk, labbayka laa shareeka laka labbayk, innal-hamda wan-ni’mata laka wal-mulk, laa shareeka lak” (“In response to your call O Allah I perform ‘Umrah, here I am O Allah. In response to Your call. You have no partner. In response to Your call. All Praise and Blessings, and the Ownership of all that You created is Yours (alone). You have no partner”)

Upon arriving at the sacred mosque in Makkah (Al-Masjid Al-Haraam), you should enter with your right foot and say: “Bismillaah, Allahumma Salli ‘Alaa Muhammad, Allahumma Ighfirli waftahli Abwaaba Rahmatik. (In the name of Allah! O Allah! Exalt the mention of your Messenger. O Allah! Forgive my sins, and open the gates of Your mercy for me).” You should enter in a manner expressing humility and gratitude to the blessings He, Almighty, conferred upon you.

3. Upon arriving at the Ka’bah, stop reciting the Talbiyyah, then approach the Black Stone, touch it with your right hand and kiss it. If this isn’t possible, you should face the Black Stone and point to it. Don’t push and shove, causing harm and being harmed by other people. When touching the Stone, the following is said: “Bismil-laah, Allahu Akbar” (In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest) or “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is the Greatest).

A pilgrim must walk, keeping the Ka’bah on his left. When you reach the Yamaani corner touch it with your right hand, if possible, but do not kiss it, and say: “Bismil-laahi wa Allahu Akbar”. If this is difficult for you, then go on performing tawaaf without touching it, pointing at it or even saying “Allaahu Akbar” because this was not narrated from the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ) on the other hand whenever you reach or are parallel to the black stone, touch it with your right hand, kiss it and say, “Bismillaah Allahu Akbar”, if it is not possible then it is enough to point at it and say, “Bismillaah, Allahu Akbar”.

a) Al-Idhtibaa’ from the beginning of Tawaaf until the end, which is placing the middle of one’s Redaa’ under the right arm and the ends of it over the left shoulder. When you are finished performing Tawaaf, you may return your Reda’ to its original state because the time for A-Idhtibaa’ is only during Tawaaf.

b) Ar-Raml during the first three circuits only. Ar-Raml means speeding up one’s pace with small steps.

Make supplication from your heart, for that which will benefit you. Recite whatever you wish, supplicate to Allah by asking for good, recite the Quran, anything you wish. There are no specific statements or supplications to be recited during the Tawaaf that are authentically established in the Sunnah. However it is recommended to say between the two corners during each circumbulance as it is reported from the Messenger of Allah  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allah exalt his mention ): “…Our Lord, grant us good in this life and good in the hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Hellfire.” [Quran: 2:201]

4. When you complete seven circuits of Tawaaf, approach Maqaam Ibraaheem (Ibraaheem’s station) and recite this verse (which means): “And take you (people) the Maqaam (place) of Ibraheem as a place of Prayer…” [Quran: 2:125]

Then pray two short Rak’ahs, as close as conveniently possible, behind Maqaam Ibraheem. If it is not possible then you can pray them anywhere in the sacred mosque. It is preferred to recite during the first Rak’ah the chapter “Al-Kafiroon” [109] and during the second one the chapter of “Al-lkhlaas” [112].

Upon completing the two Rak’ahs, return to the Black Stone and touch it, if convenient

5. The next stage is to go to Safaa. Upon approaching the foot of Safaa, the following verse is recited (which means): “Verily, As-Safaa and Al-Marwah are from the symbols of Allah. So it is not a sin on him who performs Hajj or ‘Umrah of the house (ka ‘bah) to perform the going (tawaaf) between them. And whoever does good voluntarily, then verily, Allah is the All-Recognizer, All-Knower.” [Quran; 2:158]

6. Then climb unto mount Safaa until the Ka’bah is visible, if possible. Facing the Ka’bah the following is to be said 3 times, and between each time one is to make ones own supplication:

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. Laa ilaaha il-lall-llaahu wadahu la shareeka lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu, wa huwa ‘alaa qulli shay’in qadeer. Laa ilaaha il-lall-llaahu wahdahu, anjaza wa’dahu, wa nasara ‘abdahu, wa hazamal ahzaaba wahdahu” (Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest. None has the right to be worshipped except Allah alone, Who has no partner. To Him belongs the dominion, to Him belongs all praise, and He has power over everything. He fulfilled His promise, gave victory to His servant, and defeated the confederates alone.)

7. Then descend and go towards Marwah, running between the fluorescent green lights (for men only), upon reaching Marwah climb upon it if it is possible, and repeat the same procedure as when ascending Safaa except you are not to recite the above-mentioned verse, because it is recited when ascending Safaa for the first time only. This completes one circuit. Then one continues back to Safaa running between the fluorescent green lights (for men only) – thus completing two circuits.

There are no particular supplications to be recited between Safaa and Marwah. Seven circuits are to be completed ending the last one on Marwah.

Then one is to have his hair cut although shaving it is better. Women should shorten their hair by a finger-tips length from the end. The rights of ‘Umrah have now been completed.

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The Rituals of Hajj: Symbols of Tawheed

The Rituals of Hajj: Symbols of Tawheed

There is no prosperity or success in this world except through following the path of Prophet,  having faith and doing good deeds. It is in the light of this that he said, “Take from me your Hajj rites.” The eagerness of the Companions was embodied in this saying of Ibn Abbaas  “Do your Hajj as the Prophet did him, and do not say: This is Sunnah (Prophetic tradition) and this is compulsory.” One of the greatest aims of Hajj is to remember his guidance and to adhere to his path without negligence or exaggeration. The Prophet,  said, “Whoever performs a deed on which there is no order from us will have it rejected.”
•   To emphasise the importance of moderation and shunning of exaggeration and negligence in everything, Ibn Abbaas narrated that the Prophet,  told him to fetch him pebbles on the morning of ‘Aqabah (i.e. the tenth day of Thul-Hijjah) while he was on his camel. He said, “I fetched him seven throwing-pebbles. He started sorting them out in his fingers saying: ‘Throw ones like these.’ He then said: ‘O you people! Keep away from extremism in religion, for that which destroyed those who came before you was extremism in religion.’”
Hajj should be an avenue for self-examination and recognizing one’s faults and shortcomings. Make it an opportunity to renew your allegiance to the book of Allah The Almighty and the Sunnah of His Prophet, It is a time when one shuns exaggerations and negligence in all acts of worship. Therefore, Hajj should not be an occasion where one accuses his brother of abominable things, or where people utter foul words and behave in a way that goes against the Sunnah.
We should adhere to the guidance of the Leader of the Messengers, Muhammad son of Abdullah,  Whoever follows his path shall prosper and will achieve everlasting happiness. Further, only when this Ummah (Muslim nation) recognizes the true guidance of its religion and the path of its Prophet in its true sense, far from the tangle of misinterpretation and confusion, will it attain glory and might. The Prophet, said: Islam shall become a hard rock upon which the evangelical ships are crumbled as long as the pillars; Al-Quran, Friday Prayers and the Hajj gathering, remain firm.”
Allah The Almighty swore by the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah, which clearly indicates their importance and merit, and stresses the great reward of those who do righteous deeds in them. He Says: {By the dawn! By the Ten Nights!}(i.e. the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah). [Quran, 89: 1-2]The Prophet,  , also said: “There are no days in which good deeds are more loved by Allah than these days.” (Meaning the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah)The Companions  said, “Even Jihad in the way of Allah?” He replied:“Even Jihad in the way of Allah, with the exception of a man who goes out for Jihad with his soul and his wealth, and does not return with either.” [Al-Bukhaari]
The good deeds referred to in this Hadeeth include righteous sayings, actions and behaviour. An important aspect of that is to visit Muslims, wherever they may be; to feel concerned about their affairs, to alleviate their sufferings and to pray for them. In addition, it is recommended to do a lot of Tahleel (saying ‘La Ilaaha Illallaah’), Takbeer (saying ‘Allaahu Akbar’) and Tahmeed (saying ‘Alhamdulillaah’) during these days. Also, if anyone wants to make a sacrifice for ‘Eed, and the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah have already arrived, he should not cut his hair or nails. The Prophet, said: “When you see the moon of Dhul-Hijjah let anyone of you who intends to sacrifice an animal for ‘Eed not take anything from his hair or nails until he has made the sacrifice.” [Muslim] This prohibition is only binding on those who want to sacrifice; those on whose behalf a sacrifice is to be made are not included in this prohibition.
Moreover, eminent Muslim personalities can utilize these noble days to propagate Islam and spread the good virtues that Islam promotes in accordance with the commandments of Allah The Almighty while respecting His limits and injunctions. This method should always be followed, whether during Hajj or otherwise.

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